Sunday 10 March 2013

"In the Time of Toile" quilt

Progress so far on my "In the time of Toile" kit/pattern
This is progress so far on my quilt kit win.  You might notice that I have made a couple of fabric substitutions/swaps. Hope that is OK with Sue who sent me this lovely giveaway :)  We all do this don't we - to suit our taste or decor ideas? I've introduced more red.

In my stash I had a piece of the same great floral column border  - but in the tan colourway. The kit included the blue for this border but I prefer to use the tan - so an easy substitution there.

This is the picture on the kit - the blue is lovely too but in this instance I want less blue:
The picture of the quilt on the  kit  - more blues used
Below is a photo of the planning stages  - where I decided on the fabrics :
The part I loved the most was doing the broderie perse - such a good fabric line for this. Just look at these two - with the holes where I chopped out flowers and leaves:
Flowers cut out of the large scale floral

Flowers cut out of the red floral column
My initial basket layout :
Initial layout of fabric for broderie perse - 12 fabrics tacked down
I stitched it all down but wasn't quite happy with it so added a few pieces more. Below are pictures of the basket as I added more bit by little bit!
Version One

Version Two - moved a flower, added leaves..

Version Three - added a flower and more little leaves - happy now!
Only small changes ...bit like flower arranging really.

Here are a couple of closeups of the broderie perse. Lucky for me the background fabric blended pretty well with the background of the large scale floral (thanks Froncie Quinn fabric designer!):

I  have just a couple of borders to go to finish the top - not a large quilt. It should make a good wall hanging I'm thinking.. 


  1. This is beautiful! I think you did right with the substitution. Lucky you had on hand what you needed. Thanks for showing the steps along the way. I've never done broderie perse.

  2. BEAUTIFUL!!! And such quick work - seems like you just received that win :)

  3. Your Broderie perse looks fabulous!! The added leaves fill it in so nicely. I think this kit found the perfect home!

  4. OH MY I Love your version, you adding those extra leaves and moving flowers here and there made a big difference and have to admit I like your coloring better too :)
    thanks for sharing the process I love posts like this

  5. Love your alternative colour choices, the red and tan look great. Your broderie perse looks wonderful. I loved watching the flowers and leaves 'grow' out of the vase, thanks for sharing the process.

  6. beautiful! Wonderful broderie perse.

  7. I love the addition of the red. It really brightens up the whole quilt.

  8. Hilda, it's coming on beautifully and love the changes you have made. It will certainly be an Every Stitch quilt by the time you finish.

    So nice to see it developing.

  9. This is absolutely gorgeous!! I really like your version with a bit more red.

  10. Beautiful work! I definitely think making changes is all part of being a confident and happy quilter. Love your progress so far.:)

  11. Love your colour changes, certainly makes the quilt yours. Beautiful arranging of your flowers, too. Your applique is lovely.

  12. It is turning out really great! I love the column fabric you chose for the border. Its beautiful in every way!!

  13. The quilt is looking so wonderful. I didn't enter the give-away because the kit didn't "sing" for me. I love your substitution of the border with the tan background and your addition of more red. It's singing now!
