Wednesday 13 March 2013

Baltimore Album update

Just a quick update: Eighteen and a half blocks done so I thought it was time to see them all together and decide the layout.
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This might do....just got to fill the holes!

Here's the latest block up closer:
Block 18
I know the petals are uneven and the vase is a bit wonky - but that is how it was on the pattern (and the original). So I resisted "perfecting" ( though I was tempted to meddle) and left the wonkiness there. It is part of the charm of these old quilts and why I am attracted to them. 


  1. I am drooling. I think I like the block in the upper right hand corner best. But there are others a close second.

  2. I can see how your balancing the blocks with the baskets in the corners, the horseshoe shaped wreaths, diagonal shaped patterns...they're all beautiful.

  3. Wow-ee!
    You're powering through them...and they are really lovely!
    x kate

  4. just beautiful, can you remind me are you using one pattern or just blocks from many different patterns.
    oh this is such wonderful eye candy this am

  5. Looking absolutely lovely. Just love the solid colours.

  6. Isn't it inspiring to lay out all your blocks when it's been a while. Kind of gives you a boost to carry on. Love it, wonkiness and all!

  7. Fabulous blocks and it won't take long to fill the holes. Take care

  8. Fantastic! And I love that each block isn't "perfect"!!

  9. Absolutely fantastic. That's going to be one special quilt.

  10. Wow your blocks look amazing - lovely to see them all together! The latest block is beautiful. I have a hard time not adjusting the wonky bits too but you're right - they are a big part of why I love old quilts so much :0)

  11. Absolutely beautiful, seeing them together like this!

  12. wow - gorgeous!
    I love the personality of the last block.
    This is so stunning! You must be so happy with it

  13. Again a very beautiful block !

  14. Beautiful! I think the unevenness and wonkiness of old quilts is charming too. The perfect human touch.:)

  15. These blocks are just beautiful, they will make a gorgeous Baltimore Album quilt.

  16. What a beautiful baltimore quilt you are making marvelous job !!!!
