Monday 18 February 2013

Rosebuds ...with whiskers

While adding embroidery (as per pattern) to my Baltimore Album blocks I was wondering ....what are these whiskers on the end of the buds?  

So (being a bright spark) I looked in the garden where roses are in flower now. Of course, the whiskers are simplified sepals

While I was out there I checked the Iceberg roses down the driveway ...

...and picked a bunch ...and here are the same sepal whiskers again. Good to know!

It is a nice time for roses at the moment. These large apricot/ yellow ones (Dame Elizabeth Murdoch - an Australian rose) smell divine: 

Back to quilting...
Some more stars for the Mary Leggett Star Bouquet - having fun fussy cutting these: 

Here's a comparison of front and back - hardly recognisable! The papers are still in  - not to be removed until they are securely sewn together with the brown hexagon joiners: 
You'll be getting sick of seeing these soon/already - but it is a fairly slow process. At least I am enjoying the journey :)


  1. Wow Hilda. Look at that spiral you've done in the striped star!
    Yes you are obsessed.

  2. Hi Hilda, there are also some old fashioned roses called Moss Roses which are really "hairy"... Perhaps the original Baltimore quilters were reproducing something like them.

    Lovely embroidery!

  3. OH how I love the look of your BA block so far and yes those whiskers I found out too when asking years ago were what they saw in nature they were trying to duplicate.
    the stars are amazing must be fun choosing fabric for these.

  4. It's lovely to see those beautiful roses, I can almost smell them from the photos. How fun to think of those sepals as whiskers. Your stars are so fabulous, and am no where sick of seeing them, more please!

  5. Your Mary Leggett stars are just fabulous. I will not tire of seeing them...I look forward to seeing them all together someday.

  6. Your blocks are all beautiful as are your roses.

  7. Love seeing your rloses, beautiful! So nice to see a growing garden while we are still waiting for spring to arrive. I am loving your stars, love the fussy cutting, would love to see a pic of fabric before and then the star produced after. Your pics make me want to make one. May I ask how large are you diamond pieces?

  8. How convenient that you could just walk outside and get the answer to your question! Thanks for sharing photos of your garden. As lovely as your quilts! I definitely won't tire of seeing your fussy cut stars.

  9. Your post today has me itching for summer...or at least spring!!
    Your applique and pieced stars are so amazing!! Have a great week.

  10. Never sick of seeing beautiful stars!
    Your garden is almost like a Baltimore quilt!! Makes me long for summer

  11. I adore roses and loved seeing these photos! Mine are under the snow.
    I love your hexies and won't tire of them!

  12. The embroidered whiskers make such a difference to the block, they really are such a great addition. You have some beautiful roses in the garden, I love the pink and yellow one.

  13. Oh, I want to come for a walk in your garden... Do they smell as beautiful as they look? Don't worry about us getting tired of your stars - keep on posting them - I think they are very interesting!

  14. Your Baltimore blocks are beautiful! I am looking forward to watching your stars come together.

  15. Your Baltimore block is beautiful!! And very interesting to see the sepals! Beautiful flowers in your garden, too.

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