Saturday, 13 April 2013

Baltimore Album blocks 20 and 21

Two more Baltimore Album blocks done and they are very different....

Bit crinkled on the design wall!
I was panicking a bit worried when they were done that they may not go well together. One is so much "chunkier" than the other. So I hastily pinned them on the design wall to check.

I think/hope they'll be fine in the overall scheme. It has quite a mix of "chunky" and "delicate" blocks - remembering that these block patterns are borrowed from a variety of old quilts. 

Here is a trial layout again...
Pinned to my design wall/old sheet
That means only four more to go... and a little more embroidery to complete the blocks. 

Things to consider soon:
  • The border - there is no pattern in these packs for this. I am inclined to a simple pieced red/white border, single or double - maybe sawtooth or stepped. The blocks will end up trimmed at nearly 17 inches square ( and no sashing in between). So the quilt is going to be quite large - maybe 100 inches including the pieced border. A floral applique border would make it even larger.... There are so many beautiful ideas out there though aren't there?! 
  • The quilting - will be (sadly) by machine. I am thinking of a simple grid behind the applique. Am researching "quilt-as-you-go", block by block, because it would be so manageable, but haven't seen any done that way and it could look horribly wrong. 

Any thoughts ??


  1. Hi! Love all the blocks so far! If you are considering quit as you go you could try the Civil War Hot Pad or Pot holder method...
    There is a current book called Civil War Quilts by Weeks/Beld. I have done a couple of quilts this way myself, and have quilted for others in this same method. If you can't find this book, I have shown this method In my blog, search hot pad or pot holder and there is a quick tutorial with pics. If you don't want any sashing or extra color added, just use the same block background fabric as the bindings...
    Can't wait to see how you finish!, it really is beautiful!

  2. Your blocks are all so lovely! They look fabulous together! There really are endless ideas for borders - I love to look through my quilt history books and dream :0)

  3. Fabulous blocks Hilda.
    The pot holder method of quilting sounds interesting. I hope you find the right way for you for it.

  4. I think the blocks look beautiful - the combination of 'fine' and 'chunky' work well. For example your new 'fine' block looks perfect balanced against the other 'fine' block on the top row second from the right. Looking forward to seeing more progress and what borders you choose.

  5. I think the blocks look wonderful, very balanced in the quilt.
    hmmm the border I know you will come up with something wonderful to do , quilt as you go by block hmmm not sure I would be willing to take that challenge, what if you pieced the quilt together after its all done and just take your time and do one block at a time outline it then grid the background?

  6. I think your blocks work well together. You're on your way to another stunning quilt! I don't have experience with quilt as your go so I'm no help there. Good luck deciding on the border. I think a pieced border would be lovely.

  7. You are getting so close to having enough blocks. Exciting time.

    I used to belong to a quilt guild where many of the members quilted one block at a time. The Georgia Bonesteel method. They had great success doing it but they were hand quilting. I don't know about using that method with machine quilting but surely it would.

  8. The layout of your blocks is breathtaking!

  9. Two beautiful blocks and I think they work really well together in the overall quilt scheme. I have yet to see a quilt as you go that I've liked! :(

  10. Very nice balance of delicate and chunky blocks! They are all so lovely! I love the idea of a simple border, but it would make the quilt very large.:)

  11. Your blocks are all so amazing, I think its great you have made blocks from a variety of quilts, the best of the best! I know you'll choose a perfect border to set them off. It's interesting hearing peoples recommendations for different QAYG methods.

  12. They all go together really well! But I think that is always amazing with Baltimore quilts. All the blocks help each other. It will be a wonderful quilt!!

  13. These two blocks fit in so well. I agree, I've not seen a quilt as you method that is as easy is its been made out to be. You end up with so many seams on the back. Just take your time.

  14. These blocks are just beautiful!!!
